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St. Clare’s Home

paul st claire_wordpress3 Blind Mice adds flair to St. Clare’s eight shelter locations. These homes provide a safe haven to abused women and their children. 2005    San Diego-based window coverings firm, 3 Blind Mice, donated window treatments and installation for eight St. Clare’s women’s and children’s shelters. Century Blinds offered a generous discount to 3 Blind Mice on the 72 window coverings. Owner, Scot Dietz, a self-starter himself, believes in supporting homeless shelters because they offer hope and new beginnings to families. Dietz states, “We are happy to be able to provide new attractive window treatments to enliven the rooms of these special temporary living centers.  We believe these additions enhance the mood and morale of the residents.”  Kathleen Patton, a 15-year Valley Center resident and salesperson for 3 Blind Mice, donated her time for measuring the shelters windows.

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